About Us

Norma “Jean” Rivard Bertrand was born in Maryland as the oldest of 4 children, having 3 younger brothers.  She has been a West Coast kid since the age of two.  Many years were spent at the beach, exploring the wonders of that world and lifestyle.  Water was to be a big part of her life, bringing tranquility and peace to a sometimes turbulent or tough life.

As a 45 year-old divorced mother of two at the time, one a 15 year-old mother and the other cerebral palsied, she began her college education.  It had been a dream since High School where her father discouraged her from going, saying she would be like so many others, obtaining only an “MRS degree.”  After 10 years of attending, she earned her Master’s Degree in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner.  She also has a minor in Fashion Merchandising, General since one of her interests is sewing.

Other hobbies include photography as her art through a lens, writing, reading, exploring anything of interest, travel, and learning about anything that catches her interest.  She is ever the life-long learner, saying that if she hasn’t learned one new thing each day she might as well be dead.

She understands hardship and lack, having gone from Social Services (welfare), to leading a successful lifestyle. She says if she can do it, she knows you can, too.  Please join her in this adventure in helping you to become all you want to be in Your “Third Act.”

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